Hydrogen Therapy
Hydrogen (H2) is a potent cellular anti-oxidant with the capacity to increase the body’s pH and give us energy.
Hydrogen (H2) is a potent cellular anti-oxidant with the capacity to combat damage caused by oxidative stress. Oxidative stress, which can come both from external and internal sources, is the big bad wolf in our current culture. Working too much, not enough down-time, not enough rest, poor food choices, chemical exposures, infections and aging can all contribute to this stress-based energy-sucker. Examples of the manifestations of this are wrinkles, decreased energy and general malaise. Inhaled H2 can help to reduce oxidative stress damage throughout the body which leaves you feeling happier, more energetic, and looking and feeling younger!
Continued use of this therapy can help to reduce both the internal and external signs of cellular damage and help us all to live a longer, healthier and happier life.
Conditions Addressed:
helps to reduce oxidative stress damage throughout the body including the brain
help both chronic and acute causes of cellular stress
feel happier and more energetic
chronic infections
methylation problems
autoimmune diseases
stress from traffic, work, toxic relationships, or – let’s be real – just life.