Kale & Strawberry Salad

Kale is showing up everywhere these days.  And for good reason.  Ounce for ounce, kale ranks as one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. Packed with anti-oxidants, minerals and vitamins, kale is a heavy nutrition hitter.

The problem? It’s tough and a little bitter. This is not a good combination when it comes to feeding yourself or your kids. No one wants to gag down their food like it’s medicine. The solution- a good massage and a soak.

The key to a tasty kale salad is massaging the leaves with either lemon or salad dressing (as long as it contains a citrus and/or vinegar- Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar is best) and letting it marinate for at least a ½ an hour before serving. The massage and the acids break down the leaves so they are easier to eat. I like to add a squeeze of orange juice to the leaves while they sit so that they have a hint of sweet as well.

The longer you marinate the better. Unlike a green salad made from lettuce leaves, the kale won’t get soggy. You can even put the marinating kale in the fridge overnight. It just keeps getting better.

Add some toasted walnuts and strawberries and you have got a real crowd pleaser.


Marinated Kale Salad with Toasted Walnuts and Strawberries

Serves 4


  • kale – curly, raw, stemmed and chopped- 4 cups

  • strawberries – 1/2 cup, sliced

  • walnuts – 1/3 cup, toasted

  • orange – 1/2- to squeeze on kale after the salad dressing


Wash, chop and stem your kale.

Put in a non-plastic bowl- glass, wood or ceramic will work.

Add salad dressing.

Squeeze ½ an orange over the salad.

Get your hands in the bowl and massage the dressing into the leaves. Work each leaf individually.

Let it sit for at least a ½ an hour.

When you are ready to serve, toast the walnuts, slice the strawberries.

Mix into the salad.


By Tapp Francke-Ingolia